Tuesday, December 7, 2010

OrgSync May Simplify Things for On-Campus Organizations

With over 300 on-campus organizations at CSULB, there is a definite need for a means to coordinate events and communicate effectively to members. With the current budget situation, there is also a strong argument for spending as little as possible on the right technologies. ASI President James Ahumada has recently been pushing for the integration of OrgSync, a networking software that will bring all the activities of on-campus clubs to a single interface. The program offers individual websites to clubs and Greek groups, an extracurricular “e-portfolio” for students to showcase their out-of-class work, a group search system through which students can find groups that fit their own interests, and a PayPal-linked fee payment system as well as apps for the iPhone and direct linkage into several social networking sites.
"In terms of what is accessible to members online," Ahumada said, "we need a system that avails vital information to students. OrgSync offers features like event calendars and easy fee payment. This is the best option I've seen so far."
OrgSync would cost ASI $20,000 for the first year (with $10,000 in help from Student Life and Development) and between $14,000 and $16,000 every year thereafter.
The program has been met with some skepticism, notably from the Associated Engineering Student Body (AESB) President Daniel Hernandez, who stated in an interview with the Daily 49er that he felt the money from student fees could be better spent on other activities, such as funding events.

Although student organizations currently communicate with members through the many free networking channels such as Facebook, Google Docs, and other data services, OrgSync would integrate all club data into their platform, centralizing and standardizing operations for all.

ASI met on Dec. 1, the fourth meeting they will have had regarding the subject, and will announce their decision within the week.

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